Respect for our environment

Caring for our environment

Warners is committed to upholding a holistic approach to sustainability in business and the environment.

In applying a best practice approach within our nursery operations, we currently operate under the guidelines laid out in the Nursery Industry Accreditation Scheme Australia (NIASA) and the environmental management system for the nursery industry, EcoHort.

Initiatives to reduce the impact of our operations on the environment include:

  • Implementation of a water collection, storage and recycling system which has resulted in a 50 per cent reduction in mains water usage, and a 10 per cent reduction in media fertiliser use

  • Composting and chipping of green waste to provide weed reducing mulch for our vegetation buffers

  • Implementation of integrated pest management (IPM), in combination with regular pest and disease monitoring has led to a reduction in chemical use

  • Introduction of electric trolleys and bicycles to provide a quieter, fume-free workplace

  • Savings in time, material and water have been achieved through careful production planning, batching and crop maintenance grouping.

Electric vehicles