Clivia miniata 'Belgian Hybrid'

Availability Pot Size Notes
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Smaller growing than 'Shademaster' with broad dark-green leaves and lovely deep orange flowers with a yellow centre.


Best grown in a well drained soil in the shade. Will tolerate long periods of dryness once established but is frost sensitive. Protect the leaves from slugs and snails. Feeding with a good quality complete fertiliser in Spring will help maintain flower quality and foliage colour. Clivias enjoy being rootbound in containers so there's no need to re-pot very often, and when large enough they can be divided up to obtain more plants.

Landscape Uses

Fantastic plant for decorative pots or for mass planting under large trees and shrubs. One of the few plants that will flower in heavy shade. Can be used as an indoor/outdoor feature and makes a fantastic cut flower.


Height to 50cm
Width to 50cm