Lomandra confertifolia 'Lime Tuff'

  • Lomandra confertifolia 'Lime Tuff'
  • Lomandra confertifolia 'Lime Tuff'
Availability Pot Size Notes
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With vibrant and striking lime-green leaves, the Lime Tuff is an Australian native that is known for its ability to thrive in a variety of conditions that has fragrant yellow flower spikes emerge in the summer.


Little maintenance is required for this tufted plant. It prefers full sun and partial shade, and can tolerate both drought and wet conditions, as well as thrive in a range of soil types, including clay and sandy soils. Initially feeding Lime Tuff with a slow-release low phosphorous fertiliser will help to establish the plant when it is first planted.

Landscape Uses

Lime Tuff is extremely versatile. It can provide accent colour for gardens, be a great asset to rock gardens and gardens with height restrictions imposed, and be a great edging plant and groundcover.


Height: 0.5-0.7m
Width: 0.5-0.7m