Magnolia x 'Genie' pbr

Availability Pot Size Notes
Not Currently Available
Smaller plants, Limited numbers
Not Currently Available

New compact growing deciduous magnolia variety featuring incredible dark tulip buds which burst into deep burgundy blooms in late Winter to early Spring.


Magnolias prefer a moist, fertile and well drained soil that is slightly acidic. A sunny aspect in a protected position is best, though they do tolerate partial shade, and some protection from strong wind will enhance and prolong the flowering season. We advise an annual application of good quality fertiliser in Spring, and mulching and watering during the drier months especially when the plant is establishing itself. Protect new growth from slugs and snails.

Landscape Uses

Being a compact grower, 'Genie' is perfect for smaller gardens or courtyards where space is limited. Genie is also perfect for growing in pots. The stunning deep purple blooms stand out like beacons in Winter.


Height when mature 3-4m
Width to 2m