Mandevilla laxa

  • Mandevilla laxa
  • Mandevilla laxa
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Chilean Jasmine is a glorious semi evergreen climber with beautifully perfumed blooms in summer.


Mandevillas will grow in part shade to full sun in most soil types but it's important to ensure good drainage. Be sure not to overwater as roots can rot. Protect from hot afternoon sun. Cut back to the preferred shape and height after flowering in autumn or cut hard in late winter to promote new growth and flowers. May lose foliage in very cold conditions but will bounce back in spring especially with a good feed.

Landscape Uses

An attractive climber when given a frame or structure to do so. Long lasting highly fragrant flowers in the warmer months, generally starting early summer. This fast-growing low maintenance climber will make a big impact near windows and doors or in entertainment areas where its flowers and fragrance can be enjoyed to full effect.