Helleborus x ericsmithii 'Ice Breaker Max'

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An evergreen, clump forming perennial with attractive, divided, glossy green leaves. During winter and early spring 'Ice Breaker Max' produce beautiful white cup shaped flowers that fade into a soft pink.


Grows best in a part shade position with a rich, moist, though well-draining soil. If foliage becomes damaged it can be completely cut back in early winter before the flowers appear. Hellebores will benefit from an annual feed in spring with a good quality fertiliser.

Landscape Uses

Helleborous are a perfect plant for cottage or formal gardens. They are excellent mass planted under trees or in other shaded areas of the garden. Look fantastic planted under Betula ‘Moss White’ or with other traditional favourites such as Camellia and Daphne.


Height to 30cm
Width to 40cm