Callistemon 'Pink Champagne'

  • Callistemon 'Pink Champagne'
  • Callistemon 'Pink Champagne'
Availability Pot Size Notes

With a main flush of mid pink flowers, which fade to pale pink during Spring and Autumn, this gem flowers most of the year, drawing in the honey eating birds, bees and butterflies. Pink Champagne has an upright habit, making it a good plant for smaller gardens.


Plant in full sun to part shade. Pink Champagne will tolerate most soil conditions, even being waterlogged occasionally, drought tolerant but will do better if water is kept up during very dry conditions. Use a native fertiliser and prune after flowering. This will help keep a compact shape and encourage repeat flowering.

Landscape Uses

Great as a hedge, either formal or relaxed if you have the space. It can be used in amongst a native bush theme or as a stand alone feature plant near a window or seating, so you can observe all the fauna comings and goings.


Height to 3.0m
Width to 2.0m